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Gifts That Count

Perfect presents for all occasions – helping the students at Kisima

Kisima's Gifts That Count allow a donor to buy vital supplies for Kisima School, in honour of a friend or family member. This replaces the standard present at Christmas time or birthdays. Simply browse our list of items, buy those that you want to give to the school and you will be sent an ecard to share with your loved one as their present. We promise your gift won't be wasted or unwanted; everything is needed and will make a real difference to Kisima.

How to Order Your Gift:

  1. Fill in the fields with your details.
  2. Click the tickbox next to your chosen gift, and write a message to the person who will be receiving your ecard.
  3. Repeat step 2 if you intend to send gifts to more people.
  4. Add an optional donation amount if you wish to further help Kisima School.
  5. Click the Gift Aid tickbox if you are a UK taxpayer and want to boost your donation by 25%. Your full address and postcode are required for this.
  6. After clicking "Submit Your Order", you will receive an email detailing your order.
  7. Send your payment via internet or phone banking:
    Account Name: The Educational Frontier Trust
    Sort Code: 20-94-48
    Account No.: 50942413
    Please put GTC in the reference section

Order Form

Please complete all the following:

Classroom Supplies:
A text book or calculator is a valuable item for any keen and independent learner. Alternatively, you could support a whole class by restocking the chalk or photocopying supplies.

5 text books

10 text books

40 text books

1 calculator

5 calculators

Supply a class with chalk and board dusters for a year

Supply the school with chalk and board dusters for a year

Photocopying paper (5 reams)

Photocopier toner

Photocopier maintenance

The Heart of Kisima:
Support the Christian teaching provided at Kisima by supplying hymn books and Bibles for the students to learn from and enjoy.

5 hymn books

10 hymn books

1 Bible

5 Bibles

Work Hard, Play Hard:
The chance to play sports, read a good book or enjoy time with friends over an indoor game enables students to relax in among their busy daily routines at Kisima.





Table tennis bats and balls

Board game

Jigsaw puzzle

4 packs of cards

2 novels for the library

5 novels for the library

Daily newspapers

Running Repairs and Replacements:
Help to maintain Kisima's pleasant learning environment by ensuring that classrooms and dormitories are kept clean and bright, facilities are in order and the students have all the everyday equipment they need.

8 sets of plates and cutlery

40 cups

Brooms and cloths


Mend chairs and desks

Repair floors and paths

Fund the Farm:
A gift towards agricultural activities in the school grounds and at the school farm will help Kisima to grow food and cash crops. Keeping the school goats well-fed and healthy means they can provide meat and keep the playing field mown!

Maize seeds

Wheat seeds

Vegetable seeds


Crop sprayer


1 roll of crop drying sheets

1 month's animal feed

Veterinary care for the goats

Light Up Our Learning:
Make a vital contribution to Kisima by giving towards the school's day to day running costs. An electrical gift ensures that students are not in the dark for evening study, and firewood cooks their meals and heats water for bathing.

1 week's electricity

1 month's electricity

10 light bulbs

10 fluorescent tubes

1 week's firewood

1 month's firewood

Subtotal: £0.00

Donation: £

Total Cost: £0.00

Gift Aid

I want to Gift Aid my donation/s this year and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to THE EDUCATIONAL FRONTIER TRUST (Charity no. 1087070).

I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Please notify The Educational Frontier Trust (TEFT) if you:

  • want to cancel this declaration.
  • change your name or home address.
  • no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your SelfAssessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
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