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Mariam's Story: From Kisima School to Flying Doctors, Kenya Red Cross and Beyond

Giving a care pack to a vulnerable new mother during women's day in Isiolo

Taking part in field work in Marsabit County

Mariam Godana Galgalo, Kisima student 2007-2010

Mariam grew up in Moyale, a market town found between the border of Ethiopia and north-eastern Kenya. Before she arrived at Kisima School she had never travelled and only knew other people from her home town. She found Nyahururu - which was 436 miles from her home and much further south - very cold compared to Moyale where the weather is always hot. She says that one of the greatest things about Kisima was being able to meet and get to know people from other parts of Kenya and from different tribes and religions to her own.

Mariam excelled at Kisima School and was awarded a place at Maseno University on the western side of Kenya, to study for a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics with IT.

After graduating from university in 2015, Mariam worked for AMREF Flying Doctors - Air Ambulance Service in Africa. This involved working in the community giving dietary advice and helping people with HIV and aids.

Following this, Mariam spent a year working at Moyale Sub County hospital before joining the Kenya Red Cross where she now works as Regional Nutrition Officer in Isiolo, Central Kenya.

Since graduating from university, both of Mariam's parents have sadly passed away, leaving her in charge of her younger siblings along with her older brother who runs a small business in Moyale.

When asked about her experience at Kisima School, she said that the school moulds its students to be responsible and teaches them the importance of discipline and hard work in a way that no other institution does. Being at Kisima School boosted her confidence and taught her how to be part of a team. She says that it is thanks to her time at Kisima that she is now able to bond with people from all sorts of backgrounds. The experience also made her flexible and able to adapt, which has served her well in her working life.

She described Kisima School as a "home away from home" as well as a "place where you can be transformed into a responsible person and which helps you realise your goals".

Mariam is now planning to study for a Master's degree, specialising in Public Health and Nutrition. She says that the world is very competitive when it comes to job opportunities and her Bachelor's degree alone is not sufficient to fulfil her ambition for the future.