
Kisima Newsletters

Congratulations to the class of 2023 on their exam results!

9 Jan 2024

👏All 35 students achieved a university entrance grade👏
👍School mean score: 9.8👍
🏆Ranked as position seven out of all the schools in the country🏆
⭐️Two students have an overall A grade, meaning they are among the top 0.14% of students in the country⭐️

It was all smiles at school when the current students heard the news. A lucky group even boarded the bus for a celebratory drive round the town!

🙏Thank you to our staff, to our sponsors and other supporters, and to God.🙏

Rabbit-rearing project

July 2024

Our Form Four Agriculture students are getting on well with their rabbit-rearing project. Here are some of the babies that have been born so far!

School Trip to Naivasha

Feb 2024

The Form Fours plus a few lucky others had an exciting day in Naivasha on Friday! They visited a geothermal power plant, went on a hike and enjoyed themselves by Lake Naivasha.

You might notice a new face amongst some of the photos, I’m Rosie, Kisima’s newest volunteer. Just like Kesh, a volunteer from last year, I’m currently on a year out and will be studying primary education at university in September. Unlike Kesh, I will not be found on Kisima’s football pitch but will probably be chatting in a sunny corner!
I have already been here for two weeks and have loved every second. I’m staying until the end of term one and can’t wait to get involved in any other adventures we’ll be getting up to!

Trade association leader John Newcomb appointed to the board of The Educational Frontier Trust (TEFT)

March 2024

John Newcomb, Chief Executive of the Builders Merchants Federation, has joined the board of The Educational Frontier Trust (TEFT) with responsibility for overseeing partnerships and event based fundraising. TEFT will draw on John’s significant experience in fundraising projects, which has seen him motivate the Building Materials sector to raise more than half a million pounds for charities and good causes since 2018. For 11 years, John has been a committed supporter of the Kisima School in Kenya and has already helped to raise more than £25,000 with activities including a sponsored cycle and auction of prizes.

John said: “The work at Kisima School is something I feel passionately about and I am looking forward to increasing opportunities for the pupils there and amplifying the message and raising funds to provide life-changing chances to young people in Kenya.”

New building at Kisima School

March 2024

So much progress has been made on our new building and it’s improving every day! The painters and builders are hard at work to get it finished.
Over the last 10 days they have been aided by our volunteer Gabriel. Handyman at home, Gabriel has been using his skills to help with the decorating and also with planting some trees and flowers! He left us yesterday to head back to Sweden and we are so grateful for his help.
The students also lent a hand with cleaning the building, which they did with their usual joy and enthusiasm!

Congratulations to the class of 2023 on their exam results!

9 Jan 2024

👏All 35 students achieved a university entrance grade👏
👍School mean score: 9.8👍
🏆Ranked as position seven out of all the schools in the country🏆
⭐️Two students have an overall A grade, meaning they are among the top 0.14% of students in the country⭐️

It was all smiles at school when the current students heard the news. A lucky group even boarded the bus for a celebratory drive round the town!

🙏Thank you to our staff, to our sponsors and other supporters, and to God.🙏

Goodbye to Form Four!

Nov 2023

And they’re off! On Saturday our Form Fours loaded their belongings onto various forms of transport and headed home! We wish them all the best as they catch up with family and friends, await their exam results and look forward to their next steps in life.

Thank you to everyone who sent encouraging messages during the exam period – we shared these with the students. And special thanks to the sponsors and other supporters who made these young people's secondary education possible.

Welcome to our new Form One students!

13 Jan 2024

Our new Form One students joined us on Saturday 13th – the weather was wet and cold but the welcome was warm! Each was interviewed by a teacher, while the Form Threes helped with admin and other tasks. After an introductory session in the hall, the parents and guardians left the new students in the care of the Form Twos, who are helping them to settle in and feel at home.

Kisima student becomes Kisima sponsor!


Kisima alumnus Alex meeting the student he is now sponsoring! Alex, who graduated from Kisima in 2011, is delighted to be able to support his old school.
Head to the "Students After Kisima" section to read more about Alex's story.

Building works at Kisima

Sept 2023

As you can see, our original school building is now dwarfed by the new I.C.T. and teaching block that is under construction! The main structure is complete and other works are progressing well. Here are some members of the hard-working team who are busy plastering, welding, wiring and more.

Form Four Physics

Sept 2023

Later this term the Form Four students will be taking their national exams that mark the end of their secondary education. These exams include practicals in the three science subjects, so their teachers are giving them plenty of opportunities to practise, such as last week’s Physics practical which required them to determine the resistance of a wire. Does this bring back memories of your school days?!

Happy Mashujaa Day!

October 2023

Today is the day that Kenyans remember the country’s heroes – not only those who fought for independence, but people from all walks of life who are helping to build the nation and change individual lives. To everyone who supports Kisima in any way – you are our heroes.

Although it is a public holiday, sadly time did not allow the students to have a break from their studies and exams. But at least the day was marked with some sweet treats here and there!

Chicken Project!

August 2023

Term came to an end just over a week ago and the students are now at home for a short holiday. The Form Four Agriculture students had some unusual travelling companions as each of them had been given a chicken to take home! Their Agriculture teacher is keen for them to put theory into practice and start a small poultry-keeping project.

Harvest Time!

July 2023

It's harvest time for the Form Four Agriculture students! Last term they planted carrots for their assessed project, and they've been carefully tending their plots since then. Their yields are excellent and the carrots are delicious!

Thank you God for the rain!

March 2022

After a very long dry spell, we are saying thank you God for some rain!

Happy Easter!

10th April 2023

Here in Kenya the end of term is not until 20th April, so we celebrated Easter in school. For the Form One students this included being presented with a Gideons New Testament and a Kiswahili hymn book. Hope you all had a happy Easter!

Results are in!

Jan 2023

Many congratulations to our Form Fours of 2022, who achieved the following results in their K.C.S.E. exams:
A- 6
B+ 10
B 9
B- 8
C+ 1
C 2

School mean score: 9.17

They and their teachers worked very hard, especially during the post-covid time of extra lessons and short holidays, and their results are a great credit to them. We wish them all the best as they plan for their next steps in life, at university or college.

New roof!

November 2022

Thanks to a very generous donation, we have been able to renovate the roof of the dining hall and kitchen. The faded, rusty and mismatched iron sheets have been replaced with new red ones, and we hope you agree it is a great improvement!

Biology lesson mandazi (doughnuts)!

October 2022

The Form 2 students have been learning about yeast in their Biology lessons. What better way to put theory into practice than to cook some mandazi (a kind of doughnut)?!

RuthJane Nyaboke Misati

October 2022

Last week we were extremely sad to hear of the death of one of our former students, RuthJane Nyaboke Misati. RuthJane joined Kisima in 2015 and always gave her best in her studies, despite experiencing a number of health issues that caused her to miss a lot of school time. In 2019 she transferred to another school as she had been advised to move to a warmer part of the country, and it is there that she took her KCSE exams and scored a B+. She visited Kisima in June 2021 and spent some hours speaking to the students – her determination and her ability to persevere through many challenges were an inspiration to them in their different situations.
RuthJane then proceeded to university, whilst still struggling with her health, and it was while there that she was suddenly taken ill and died. We pray for her family and friends in their great loss and are thankful for her faith in God - her hopes for this life have been cut short, but she had an eternal hope.

Visitors from the UK

9 August 2022

Today, 9th August, is general election day here in Kenya. The government had scheduled a mid-term break for this time, but last week they suddenly brought this forward and ordered that all schools in the country had to close, with only a day’s notice. So the Kisima students are at home again, only three and a half weeks after coming back from their last holiday. They are set to return to school on Sunday 14th, as long as the country remains peaceful after the election, which we pray it does. The terms are already short as schools continue to catch up after the COVID disruption, so more time out of school adds to the pressure for students and teachers.
In the week before the school closed, we enjoyed a visit from two of our sponsors from the UK. John Baldwin and Barbara Kolator have sponsored students since our first class in 2005 but this was their first time to visit Kisima. As always, the students welcomed them with singing and dancing and were happy to have them attend some of their lessons. John and Barbara donated many books for the library and Barbara shared her love of knitting with a crowd of interested students. Trips out and about included seeing the school farm and visiting a student’s home in the neighbourhood. Their two current sponsored students were especially happy to meet them, but we all enjoyed their time with us and thank them for all their support.

Rainy days at Kisima

27 August 2022

Kisima may be only 500m from the equator, but it is also about 2,360m above sea level and can get very cold. We have had a lot of rain recently and even a couple of showers of hail! There was definitely no going on the field for games yesterday, so indoor pursuits were the order of the day!

Biology lesson mandazi (doughnuts)!

October 2022

The Form 2 students have been learning about yeast in their Biology lessons. What better way to put theory into practice than to cook some mandazi (a kind of doughnut)?!

Alumni Day

June 2022

After two years of covid disruption, it was a joy to once again be able to hold our alumni weekend, which was attended by former students from nearly all our past classes. They spoke to the current students and ran group discussions, sharing their experiences at Kisima and beyond and giving advice about school life, university applications, career choices and more. They also brought gifts for the school, including rice, flour, sugar, cooking oil and novels for the library. Thanks everyone for all your input and support!